AN ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO AN LWML CONVENTION, Really? Yes, that's exactly what some fortunate ladies receive when YOU invite them to apply for a Ruth Armel Scholarship.
It is such a joy to notify the recipients of their selection to attend one of these faith-building, joy-inspiring, down-right-fun conventions with their expenses paid. In speaking with them during and after convention, it is satisfying to hear of their experiences, their exuberance to take their information home and share it, and their plans to attend another convention!
Continue to promote this scholarship in your congregation and among the ladies of your society. The money has been given for the Lord's work through His people and YOU are the ones to share it. Don't be shy in giving it away! Being able to introduce others to the joys of LWML through the district conventions and the Ruth Armel Scholarships has been a blessing.
I have met some delightful ladies and some real go-getters for the Lord. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of their experience.
Ruth Armel Scholarship Chairman Guidelines